We love that you journey with us and pray that every message and ministry experience awakens you to become the person God created you to be. Each week, we share a new message worldwide and offer resources at no cost. This is made possible by the generosity and sacrifices of extraordinary individuals, and we invite you to join us in this mission. If you are already a regular giver, I extend my heartfelt thanks. If this is something you’ve not yet done, now is the perfect time to start. You can make a one-time donation or consider becoming a recurring giver. If you are among those whom God has blessed financially, we invite you to partner with us at Hope on the Beach Church. It's inspiring that many of our largest supporters are families who don’t even reside here but are committed to spreading the message of Jesus globally. I invite you once more to be part of our support network, enabling us to invest in His Kingdom together. Most importantly, I pray that you continue to journey with us and grow to be all God created you to be.